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Exhibitor Training

80% of success on a stand comes down to the preparation and the performance of staff on the stand.

 You've spent the money.  You've committed the time. 

Make this show the best one ever.

Replace the HIGH COST, HUGE TIME commitment and SORE FEET for:

  • more qualified leads,
  • better sales
  • greater personal satisfaction.

In just 90 minutes you will learn what many wish they'd learned years ago!

Fun practical teaching session for the whole team.

COST: $299 + GST 

"We all make the common mistakes and don't even realize it, anyone involved in Shows could benefit from the training." (Quentin)

"This training was very informative to everybody at all levels and stages."(Graham)

"It highlighted how unprepared we were for the show - I am so tied up in day to day activities and general business that I hadn't put any time to the side to prep myself or us to the level that was required." (Tony)

Bad Trade Show Stand